Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reasons to vote for Kathleen Suzy Evans on March 3rd

I am former Controller with more than 25 years experience in accounting and finance.
I am not a career politician. I am running because I love Los Angeles.
I am not a friend of Mayor Villaraigosa.
I will make sure funds are budgeted for more police officers.
I will make sure funds are budgeted for street re-surfacing.
I will make sure your tax dollars are not squandered.
I will oppose all tax increases.
I will report to you, the people of L.A., on a monthly basis so you know where your money is going.
And I am honest!

Please see my website for more details about how I will make your life better in L.A.

Evans For Controller


Anonymous said...

The fact that you are NOT a friend of Villarogasa (ie NOT a part of the Mexican mafia in place right now) is enough of a reason to vote for you

Anonymous said...

No more Villalacrappa, he must go
Enough with corruption, special interests, illegal immigration
We get to repair this city only once, vote Walter Moore tomorrow

Anonymous said...

I will vote for you, finally someone who says to be NO friend of Villacasanostra! I admire your courage and hope we can change this city around.