Thursday, November 27, 2008

Election for Los Angeles City Controller

I'm Kathleen "Suzy" Evans and I am running for Los Angeles City Controller.

Why did I decide to run for office?
I'm a life long resident of Los Angeles. I saw what it once was... a beautiful, friendly city. If you've been here for very long you have seen what's happened to our wonderful city. It's tragic.

You don't need to move away from L.A. We just need better management. We need honest, common sense people who care about a quality of life for the citizens of L.A. That's where I come in.

I am an experienced Controller with more than 25 years in accounting and finance. I love this city and I want it to be a better place to live. My opponents in this race only care about their political career. Their records speak for themselves.

Please visit my website for more information about me.

Please vote on March 3, 2009

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